If you have been one of the "poor sods" that have been calling me on my business line trying to get me to subscribe to some advertising pitch or to get me on the "top of Google" or if you were flooding my email account with "special offers" for "God knows what" then you've been wasting your time and energy. Sorry for being the bearer of such bad news.
During the best of times I am a pretty bad customer for cold calls and certainly since the present economic crisis began I'm as strapped for cash as the next and there is simply no way I can even afford any extra outlay ............ on ANYTHING !
Anyway ....... how many can fit on the top of Google ? Used to be one when I went to school a long time back so I cant understand how roughly 400 odd photographers can get to be on top of the list.
I did allow one guy to explain to me one day for almost an hour how it would be done. I put the phone on speaker and just continued working away at the desk just giving the odd "Yea" and "what was that?" and "Aye" ................... but I still did not figure out how he would get us all up there on the top ................ but he certainly assured me it was possible.
Needless to say I had no intention of "buying" anything and as he was paying for the call and since he seemed to love to talk I felt it was no skin off my nose. " Let him off" ..... "Bring it on !".
"HEARTLESS !!!" ..... you may say.
Well not really ........................ I felt that while I kept him on the line I was saving some other photographer, with a lot of work to get out, the bother of insulting him by telling him to "bog off!". I was thinking ............"while the burgler was trying to raid my premises then he could not be down the road trying to raid a neighbours premises".
Anyway ........ I love to watch an artist at work and this guy was a fine artist ........and I wanted to make sure he had finished the canvas but still have the paint wet before I allowed to birds to fly over it.