Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Its a new one for me but tomorrow I photograph a painter !
No ...... not the painter and decorator type but the artist type. She wishes to have a portfolio of herself at work in her studio. Mood will be a key factor and I need to portray her personality and style of artistry in the shots.

I plan to just talk and sort of interview for a few hours just to get a feel for what she is about and then shoot some casual and finally the posed stuff I have in mind if all that works out.

Wish me luck !!

Hospital Beds from a different angle !

Spent 2 days photographing some new hospital beds for a manufacturing company. One has to go through the process to see what they can actually do and the little hidden parts that can now make the bed more versatile and be of better service to both patient and carers.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sign of the times.

The past few years have been difficult for so many people and for so many traders also. This year alone I notice that five of my colleagues in the Galway and Mayo areas have gone out of business. Even worse still, they are the ones that would have been doing so well when times were good and were doing the lions share of the work. These were the good, solid reliable operators who ran a good business and an excellent service.

It makes one feel lucky to be still working and making ends meet.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Camera Vault finally in place

Finally managed to acquire a fireproof vault for the studio cameras and managed to get it in place today. At almost three quarters of ton and just 2cm to spare getting it in the door, it was no easy job. But its in now and takes all the cameras, lenses and back-up hard disks so that's another requirement filled.

Has it been this long ?

Wow! ........ I cant believe it been so long since I updated my blog. I must really try harder to update more often. The recession has drained much of the enthusiasm from all of us but now that there seems to be a "settling down" happening its time to get on with life and kick ass again. Its great to see the portrait business has really picked up and seems busier than it was in good times